1-Swan-neck deformity
Caused by joint laxity± FDS spasticity± intrinsic tightness.
Swan neck deformity in CP
[Image is courtesy of Paediatric Orthopaedics by Matthew Nixon Lulu publishing]
Surgical treatment options
- Extensor release
- Central slip release
- Lateral band translocation
- Volar plate tenodesis
- FDS tenodesis
- PIPJ fusion
2-Clasp hand
FDS or FDP spasticity à contracture EDC weakness
Clasp hand deformity in CP
[Image is courtesy of Matthew Nixon 2014]
Surgical treatment options
- Botox and serial stretching
- +- FDS lengthening
- FCU to EDC transfer
- FDP lengthening
- CFO slide
- FDS to FDP transfer
- proximal row carpectomy
3-Thumb deformity
Thumb FFD
- FPL lengthening
- +- BR reinforcement
FPL lengthening for thumb FFD Management of thumb deformities in CP.
[Image is courtesy of Paediatric Orthopaedics by Matthew Nixon Lulu publishing]
Web space contracture
- four flap z-plasty
- AddPB and 1st DI release
Adductor policis release for web space contracture. [Image is courtesy of Paediatric Orthopaedics by Matthew Nixon Lulu publishing]
Abductor weakness
- BR/PL/FCR to APL transfer
- EPL lateralisation from Lister tubercle
- EPL weakness
- BR/FDS transfer
Extensor compartment 3 release to allow EPL to act as a thumb abductor.
[Image is courtesy of Paediatric Orthopaedics by Matthew Nixon Lulu publishing]
MCP instability
- Volar plate capuslodesis
- Arthrodesis