

Which of the following will most likely benefit from posterior stabilisation of the spine? (posterior ligament complex – PLC)


1. A. A 12-year-old male has fallen out of the 3rd floor balcony and found to have isolated compression fracture to his L1 with 60% loss of anterior height of the vertebral body. He has no sensation or movement from L1 below and an MRI shows no injury to his spinal cord or compromise or the PLC
2. B. A 25-year-old male is involved in an accident as a front seat passenger. He is found to have a fracture extending from the anterior aspect of the L2 vertebral body passing all the way posteriorly with widening of the interspinous area. He has reduced sensation over his knee, medial malleolus and posterior calf and reduced power with knee extension, ankle dorsiflexion and great toe extension.
3. C. A 38-year-old male falls from a low bridge and sustains a burst fracture of the L2 vertebrae. He has normal neurology, no posterior midline tenderness and mild canal encroachment on CT. On MRI his PLC is intact
4. D. A 45-year-old male falls from the first floor with a compression fracture of the spine involving <50% of the anterior vertebral body with normal neurology. On MRI his PLC is intact
5. E. A 78-year-old female with vertebral compression fractures of the L1 and L2 vertebrae after a fall from standing height. She is found to have some midline tenderness over L1 and L2 and normal neurology