

A 14-year-old male with a proximal ulna fracture and anterior radial head dislocation underwent fixation with plates and screws of the proximal ulna and manipulation of the radial head. Post-operative radiographs show excellent reduction of the fracture and radio humeral articulation. He was placed in a cast with 80 degrees of elbow flexion and supination. After one week, a repeat radiograph in clinic shows a recurrent dislocation of the radial head anteriorly with maintained reduction of the ulna. He has been listed on your trauma list.
What would be the best management?


1. A. Isolated closed reduction of radial head and place into cast after procedure with 110 degrees elbow flexion and pronation.
2. B. Isolated closed reduction of radial head and place into cast after procedure with 110 degrees elbow flexion and supination.
3. C. Isolated open reduction of radial head. Place into cast after procedure with 80 degrees elbow flexion and supination.
4. D. Revise proximal ulna fracture fixation and closed reduction of radial head. Place into cast after procedure with 80 degrees elbow flexion and supination.
5. E. Revise proximal ulna fracture fixation and open reduction of radial head. Place into cast after procedure with 80 degrees elbow flexion and supination.