Candidate Feedback
- Biomechanics –excellent. Pitched at right level
- F&A excellent case focused lecture
- Excellent hand, tumour and biomechanics lectures
- Superb food
- NC was fantastic-great explanations
- Quiz-was well presented and very useful. It would be good to have this everyday
- Basic science on cartilage was too rushed. Should have concentrated on a few points in greater detail.
- Faculty are very serious, enthusiastic and committed to the course-well done and hats off!
- General trauma principles- excellent!
- Lots of excellent lectures
- Excellent day
- Good food. Extensive day
- Knee arthroplasty was very good. I wish we had more time for the TKR revision section.Basic science by Singisetti was just excellent.Basic science from Caplan was more than excellent.Hand was good but probably not geared towards the exam. Hip revision was very very very good,brillant.Trauma by Eardley was absolutely magnificent.The whole day has been very good
- Lectures like KS really helpful for the exam. Basic science is a difficult and dull topic, but all basic science lectures were really good and well delivered and I think they are really helpful for candidates.
- Basic science excellent(corrosion). KS excellent exam focused well delivered.RW excellent I would recommend this course purely on the 3 basic science talks.
- Basic science lectures were excellent and relevant. Hip talks a bit rushed
- Excellent paediatric lectures and faculty
- Very useful for candidates to have a full day with paeds. Most of the lectures were very good.
- Excellent day of the course. Paeds in one day beautifully done. Maybe more on CP but was enough. Slightly more work needed with deformity correction.
- Please thank all the paeds team for their presentations
- Spine I(JC) excellent. To the point about dexamethasone.CY excellent.
- Excellent course
- Statistics was excellent-most informative
- Some brilliant interactive sessions throughout the last 4 days. Today SA, FA, CY and AS were stars
- Catering was excellent. Implant spots! -Very good
- Great course. I will recommend to all of my friends who want to take the FRCS exam. Well done to everybody
- Good critical feedback on viva technique. Good cases. Thank you very much. Good organization, good food and comfortable chairs.
- Very good practice for the viva. Very good work by all the faculty
- Good but very tired at the end of the day
- Well organized. Useful feedback and great help in exam preparation
- Excellent organization and design of stations
- Excellent course
- Very well run. Excellent faculty
- It was a wonderful experience to go through this course particularly close to the exam. Best of the courses I have previously attended in preparation for the exams. My heartfelt thanks to Bo and all the consultants who gave time and effort.
- Excellent course but perhaps a little too intense. I think an 8am start and 6pm finish each day would be preferable.
- Excellent course. Thank you very much. Brachial plexus examination technique excellent
- Fantastic course. Great preparation and cases
- Very good course
- Fantastic course. Thank you. Best course I have been on
- Excellent mix of patients. Lots of patients to see.
- Very well organized. Very productive. Good mix of cases. Both learning and exam points of view
- Brilliant patients. Examiners really helpful, knowledgeable and guided us where appropriate
- Great course. Very well organized. Would recommend
- Fantastic 2 days. Exceptional course and cases. Highly recommended
- Examination lectures were good!
- Overall very good and productive day
- Well organized. Good learning experience. Good patients with wide variety.