Postgraduate Orthopaedics FRCS (Tr & Orth)
Revision course 15-20th Jan 2024
A 6-day intensive course designed to cover all aspects of preparation for the FRCS (Tr& Orth) examination. The course material will closely mirror the material contained in the Postgraduate Orthopaedics book series.
This course is internationally accredited by the RCSEng and has been awarded 24 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points as part of Course Accreditation by the RCS England
Day 1: Lecture presentations
One day of lectures covering the difficult key topics you need to know for the exam.
The lectures will focus on important areas of the syllabus that regularly appear in the FRCS (Tr&Orth) exam.
Day 2: Small group viva practice
This will reinforce key topics and allows for small group viva teaching of A list viva topics with feedback.Includes basic science,children,trauma,adult and pathology and upper limb sections.
Day 3: Small group viva practice
Day 4 Clinical examination lectures and simulation
This day will cover a series of clinical examination lectures and cases that candidates may come across with the new clinical examination viva day format of the exam.Feedback will involve detailed explanations of how to examine for a particular condition ,what should candidates look for in the clinical pictures ,how they would perform a particular test and the significance of a positive test
Day 5: Mock Viva Day for the FRCS (Tr&Orth) (Ring the bell)
The format closely mimics the real viva examination and has ecellent feedback from previous candidates.
Day 6:Advanced Clinical Examination Course for the FRCS (Tr&Orth)
The advanced clinical examination course will take the form of a mock clinical examination with both short and intermediate cases. This will involve real patients with real clinical signs. No medical students or actors!