- Normal: 3.5- 5.0 mEq/L
- Crucial for heart function, smooth and skeletal muscle contraction.
- Caused by diarrhea, laxatives, diuretics, diabetic ketoacidosis or inadequate intake.
-Asymptomatic or muscle cramps, pain, palpitations, psychosis, delirium.
-Managed by treating cause and K supplementation
-Caused by renal failure, NSAIDS, rhabdomyolysis, massive blood transfusion, massive hemolysis, and excessive intake.
- Palpitations, muscle weakness, arrhythmias, sudden cardiac death.
- Raised level can be due to hemolysis, hence repeat levels if needed
-Perform urgent ECG if risk of cardiac arrhythmias
- Treat by eliminating cause, insulin with glucose and in severe cases hemodialysis.