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Second Postgraduate Orthopaedics FRCS (Tr & Orth) UK Revision course 2015

The second postgraduate orthopaedic 6-day FRCS (Tr&Orth) revision course was held at Northumbria University and Queen Elizabeth Hospital Gateshead. Although the previous course last year had received good reviews we wanted to improve on this even further and make the second course a resounding success. The lecture programme was much more intense.

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First Postgraduate Orthopaedics FRCS (Tr & Orth) UK Revision Course 2014

Our first 6 day intensive revision course took place between 13-18th January 2014 at Sutherland building Northumbria University and North East Surgical centre,Queen Elizabeth Hospital. This was a major success with very positive feedback. We had a number of International candidates from Australia, Hong Kong, Egypt, Greece, Germany and Ireland.

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